本书内容全面覆盖web 安全、移动安全、企业安全、电子取证、云与数据、软件安全、apt 等热点安全领域,还涉及国家网络空间战略、新兴威胁、工控安全、车联网安全、信息安全立法等新兴安全领域。
Do you want to build web pages, but have no previous experience? this friendly guide is the perfect place to start. You'll begin at square one, learning how the Web and web pages work, and then steadily build from there. By the end of the book, you'll have the skills to create a simple site with multi-column pages that adapt for mobile devices.
This book does not require any previous programming experience. If you already know C++ or Java, you will be able to advance quite rapidly because C# has much in common with those languages. If you don’t have any previous programming experience, you will still be able learn C# from this book, but you will need to work carefully through the examples in each chapter.
You should read this book if you’re interested in learning about the new features in HTML5 and CSS3 available to web developers and enjoy an example-driven, visual approach to learning.Different readers will find different parts of the book interesting.
这本书的作者是世界著名的网站设计师,书中的范例来自网站设计领域最著名的网站——CSS Zen Garden(CSS禅意花园)。全书分为两个主要部分。第1章为第一部分,讨论网站“CSS禅意花同”及其最基本的主题,包含正确的标记结构和灵活性规划等。第二部分包括6章,占据了书中的大部分篇幅。每章剖析“CSS禅意花园”收录的6件设计作品,这些作品围绕一个主要的设计概念展开,如文字的使用等。通过探索36件设计作品面临的挑战和解决的问题,读者将洞悉主要的Web设计原则以及它们运用的CSS布局技巧,理解CSS设计的精髓,恰当地处理图形和字体来创建界面优美、性能优良且具有强大生命力的网站。
This seventh edition of the JavaScript Bible represents knowledge and experience accumulated over fifteen years of daily work in JavaScript and a constant monitoring of newsgroups for questions, problems, and challenges facing scripters at all levels. Our goal is to help you avoid the same frustration and head-scratching we and others have experienced through multiple generations of scriptable browsers.
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